
lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012

Declaración de la organización: Religiones por la Paz. Europa.

El Rvdmo Obispo diocesano D. Carlos López Lozano ha recibido el agradecimiento de los organizadores del evento realizado en Bruselas el pasado 19 de noviembre, por su presencia y apoyo al mismo.
De igual forma nos hacen llegar la Declaración Oficial surgida de dicha reunión y que es apoyada por nuestra Iglesia, así como por muchos otros líderes religiosos presentes en la misma:

(Más información tienen pinchando en el siguiente enlace: Intervención del Obispo Rvdmo Carlos López en el Parlamento Europeo ) 

A Statement of the Participants at the Interfaith Event held at the
European Commission on the 19th of November 2012


We, women, men, children and young people, compelled by our faith and religious commitments, coming from various European countries and belonging to many of the world’s religions, have participated in a Interfaith Ceremony at the European Commission to celebrate the World Day of Prayer and Action for Children and the Water Campaign under the theme: “The right of children to water and to live in a world without violence“

An escalation of violence toward children has filled out the planet
Our hearts cry out! Today our children are, more than ever, victims of armed conflicts. Innocent children are dying in Syria, Palestine, Israel, Congo and other countries. They run away as refugees and displaced populations escaping from the horror of the bombs and the rocks. Who will do justice to them? How can we protect our children’s life in an effective way?

Despite all the economic prosperity and all the efforts done, many children are still suffering from poverty. They are victims of sexual abuse and exploitation in both domestic and commercial settings. Increasingly, children are being exposed to child pornography, through film, television and internet. Children are also increasingly subjected to deteriorating environmental factors including polluted water and the denial of their right to water.

Violence goes against Values and Ethics!

We wonder where are the ethical and spiritual values that we received from our ancestral traditions and diverse spiritualities. How are they guiding the life of our communities and societies? With sadness we see that the values of respect, dialogue, forgiveness and understanding are being ignored. We have not always put into adequate practice our own deepest insights into the dignity of the child.  The reality of violence against children affects seriously the arduous work for peace that is being done by NGOs, UN bodies like UNICEF and also by schools, youth groups and religious communities.    

We react with determination to the use of violence!

This situation can and must be changed. Ethical and moral values are essential for the revival of our civilization and for giving Hope back to children. Children are a source of hope for our societies, and the recognition of their innate dignity is vital to empower them as active citizens and builders of the global society.

In joining the Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child we say: It’s time to say NO to the use of instruments of violence especially against children and ensure that they have the right to clean water! It’s time to stop all violence that affects children!

Religions for Peace –Europe
Global Network of Religions for Children Europe
Ecumenical Youth Council in Europe
European Women of Faith Network
European interreligious Youth Network
National chapters and inter-religious councils of Religions for Peace

Belgium, 25 of November 2012

Gabinete de Comunicación-Iglesia Anglicana de españa (IERE)

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